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Title:Default application data manager
Design and implement a default data manager system for applications.
orginGeneral20080713 03:27
Moved old comments to this thread
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orginHandler thingie20080731 09:38
The reason for mentioning a device is because one may have to use a caching mechanism to decouple applications from the actual IO operations.

That is, an application writes some data using the library functions. The library stores the information in memory and returns to the client. The 'device' then takes care of keeping the file on disc updated asynchronously from the application.

This may or may not be required however.
centaurzWhat about application.library ?20080816 18:06
What's wrong with storing all those data (windows positions, last used dir, etc...) using application.library prefsobjects ?
Why design another new system, while Application.library already features managing of dictionaries of data, last used docs/apps (amongst others) ?
orginRe: What about application.library ?20080816 23:36

Because I didn't know it did that, isn't that the obvious conclusion? It's not like there's a lot of feedback going back here on the projects that are being set up. If a work group was set up, by people who actually want to do the administrative work, then things like this would be a bit smoother.

Thanks for pointing it out though. Would you mind writing a guide for how to use it and create a user interface style guide for how amiga applications should use that functionality? If either of those guides already exist, then please point me to it/them so that I can add the information on the site.
centaurzApplication.library examples20080817 12:57
True, it's hard to find examples for this library. When I have time I can make a tutorial on using prefsobjects to save application data.
PrefsObjectsEditor in Utilities is your n°2.
orginRe: Application.library examples20080817 19:22

Cool. Perhaps I could assign the project to you while you are writing the docs?
centaurzRe: Application.library examples20080821 19:33

OK, I can have a look at this when I'm back from my holidays :).
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