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Workbench file lister project assignedPosted by orgin at 20080810 20:49
The Workbench file lister project on OpenAmiga has been assigned to Vicente Gimeno (Ami603)

The workbench file lister project is about creating a replacement file lister for the workbench that resembles the one used in Diropus and Diropus Magellan. With functions like an address bar and user definable file operations. Read more at the project page.

Ami603 has already done a lot of the initial development for a lister project. A preview of what Ami603 has done so far can be seen here: listersnap.png

He is the process of cleaning up the code a bit, and he needs help from fellow AmigaOS4 developers. Particularly someone with process/task knowledge to help him build a separate core task that takes care of copying/moving and renaming files.

Feel free to contact him on OpenAmiga.org or in the #AmigaDev channel on irc.amigaworld.net if you can help with the Workbench file lister project or simply just to provide some input.

About OpenAmiga.org
OpenAmiga.org is an organization in the making that aims at enhancing the AmigaOS4 experience, acting as an Amiga community based research and development department. OpenAmiga.org aims at providing finished enhancements for AmigaOS4 that Hyperion can include in their AmigaOS4 distribution, research advanced topics and act as a developer resource for AmigaOS4 developers.
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