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Title:Task bar docky
Create a task bar docky for AmiDock that displays the current tasks that are active on the current screen.
DateRevision  Author  Project  
20110313 16:44  566  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Code cleanup
- Updated Spanish, Italian and German translations
20110306 15:34  565  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Added a blacklist option for applications
- Added last opened documents context menu item
- Fixed horizontal scrolling disappearing in certain situations
- Fixed 2 crashes
- "Sleeping" applications now displayed in italic
20110227 12:30  564  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Now using Intuition to render gradients
- Completed application support
- Updated French catalog
- Scrolling offset now preserved as much as possible between bar updates
20110219 14:45  561  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Now using Intuition for gradients
- Application support (under way)
20110212 13:11  558  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Now supporting optimizations on composited screens (16-bit and 32-bit)
- Fixed misdetection of WB programs with a CLI structure attached
- Added screen display
- Updated German, French and Spanish translations
20110205 15:10  557  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Notify process no longer signals AmiDock when untitled windows are opened
or closed
- Unknown error number now displayed in requesters
- Improved docky size management: docky now internally tracks its minimum
size, avoiding useless requests
- Fixed font modification in prefs not forcing a rethinking
20101204 17:03  549  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Added an option to hide WB windows
20090801 17:27  311  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Now the docky reacts to window titles changes
- UserPort changes are now monitored too
- Fixed a possible crash source (removed use of cached window pointers, and
cached task pointer instead)
- Added locale support
20090520 19:32  277  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Added a workaround for alpha channel under icons and images blitted over
the docky
- Added a preference to change the frame rate to 25 FPS
- Added preferences for horizontal and vertical scrolling speed
- Fixed wrong docky size when there is no window to show
- Sub-process resources (library and docky interface) are now obtained
before launching the process
- Fixed alpha channel in scrolling bitmap
- Added preferences for almost all colors (gradients, text...)
20090516 16:14  275  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Imported smartbutton.docky layout system changes into winbar.docky
- Vertical scrolling position now kept when windows list changes
- Added an option to sort windows by creation time
- Added icons in window buttons whenever the window program can be
- Layout now forced when orientation changes

20090328 14:03  189  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Imported new system of docky requests from smartbutton.docky
- Changed meaning of DOCKYFLAG_CHANGESIZE: now used to track size change
request not replied (because of incorrect size)
- Layout now deferred when changing size
20090322 15:59  181  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Last update before release 50.5
- Scroll() now uses CompositeTags() on a non-private bitmap instead of
20090322 11:59  179  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Semaphores replaced by mutexes
- Now opening soft-bolded font separately (better rendering)
20090307 12:01  146  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Now windows can be closed from the docky
20090302 15:11  144  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Fixed responsiveness to 2 single clicks interpreted as a double click by
- Implemented horizontal scrolling in higlighted buttons
- Second click on a button now sends the window to back
- Fixed a bug with vertical layout
- Fixed notifier signaling Amidock even if no window was activated
20090220 23:30  133  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Fixed split mode
20090218 20:58  126  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Fixed bug in AmiUpdate support code
- Bumped max columns/lines number to 16
20090215 14:54  123  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Fixed conflict
20090215 14:06  122  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Improved bar layout and added new parameters (horiz layout...)
- Fixed bar title modification in prefs
- Window buttons now alphabetically sorted
- Fixed missing alpha channel in button gradients
20090208 14:46  106  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Fixed bar layout when changing dock orientation
20090208 11:49  105  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- First commit
20090204 19:55  104  centaurz  Task bar docky  
- Test commit
20080906 02:39  1  orgin  
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